New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse on April 8, 2024: A Special Time for Twin Souls

On April 8, 2024, something very special will happen in the sky: a new moon will occur at the same time as a total solar eclipse. This happens in the sign of Aries, which makes it even more special. Such moments are rare and can bring about big changes.

New Beginnings with the New Moon

The new moon is a time for making new plans or starting something new. Since this new moon is in Aries, a sign known for its energy and courage, it’s a great time to be brave and do even more of what you really want.

Solar Eclipse: Time for Big Changes

A solar eclipse can change things in our lives. Because it happens with the new moon, it’s an extra powerful time to think about what you want to change and to take steps to do that.

What This Means for You and Your Twin Soul

This time is also very special when it comes to your connection with your twin soul. A twin soul is someone who fits you perfectly, almost as if you were made for each other. The energy of the new moon and the solar eclipse can help you come even closer together, or if you haven’t found your twin soul yet, it can help you find each other.

It’s a time to truly listen to your heart and to be brave in love. If you are already with your twin soul, this time can help you start new and exciting things together. Finally, it could suddenly happen! I feel it: big and beautiful things are coming!! If you’re still looking for each other, be open to meeting new people. Maybe your twin soul is closer than you think.

 8-4-2024, a Special date!

On 8-4-2024, there’s something special about the date itself, which can also be seen as 8-4-8. When we add these numbers up, 8+4+8, we get 20. And 2+0 takes us to 2. This symbolizes abundance (88) for the two of you! It’s like the universe is sending us a powerful sign of prosperity and abundance for you and your twin soul. So, let 8-4-2024 be a source of inspiration and a reminder that together, in harmony, you can achieve anything.


The new moon is the ideal moment for creation. The new moon and solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, is a very special time, especially for love and new beginnings. It’s the perfect moment to dream about what you want and to take steps to make those dreams come true. For you and your twin soul, it could be a time to come closer or to find each other. So, be brave, follow your heart, and see what this special time can bring.

FREE New Moon Meditation:

Let’s affirm together during this meditation on April 8 at 9:44 PM and repeat after every sentence:
? Something Big & Beautiful is going to happen for US!

I feel it’s going to happen when we really make a big and beautiful change IN ourselves, and that effortlessly. If you want to be together, get married, or live together, feel right now how you happily live as the partner of your twin soul. You choose what your big and beautiful change will be!

Click HERE for the Free Meditation. Will you also play it today at 9:44 PM?

How to prepare for the Meditation

Clear your space, drink lots of water. You can enhance the meditation with gemstones and essential oils like happy, calm, intuition, AND the new Divinity, of course! ? Use code 8april now to enjoy 8% off everything. At both shops: and here ate Only now!

Love to feel your energy tonight!
Live love,


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“Dear Lorraine, I am so grateful and thankful for this app!!! For all the beautiful Twin Souls on this app rising and glowing and going with the flow trusting God and the universe and flooding the world with positive energy!!! I am so grateful and thankful for my TS and our deep love and how we rise from all things into togetherness and beautiful union. We are magic in this beautiful universe by God!”

“Wow! I love the too. In a life intending to be the best and loving (bonus) mother to four children aged between 10 and 15, a happy and caring wife, and a twin flame teacher, I cherish my peaceful “me” moments spent sharing my inspiration on the Twin Soul app and discovering so much love within the app. Thank you for sharing your experiences, and thank you for joining!”

XO Lorraine


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