True feelings of your twin flame: extremely accurate
Welcome! I’m Lorraine Vesterink, a twin soul teacher and founder of Twin Soul School. At the moment, all our content is available in Dutch, but we’re working hard to translate everything into English. My mission is to guide twin flames towards a loving, harmonious relationship—one that feels unique and special, but also grounded and stable. […]
Winter Solstice: A Turning Point for Twin Flames
December 21 is the shortest day of the year (in the Northern half of the Earth. It’s a significant turning point! For twin flames, it’s a time to look deeper into yourselves and each other, and to revalue your connection. It’s time to choose again what YOU want, and you can do that today with […]
Zodiac Signs vs Twin Flames
Your Twin Flame Connection Is Unique—Just Like You! I personally don’t believe that zodiac signs can define whether someone is your Twin Flame. With me and my Twin Flame, our dates of birth were significant—full of symbolism and synchronicity (I’ll share more about Twin Flame birth dates in the upcoming Twin Flame Webinar XL on […]
From Separation to Union 12/12
Are you sometimes completely done with your twin flame? Or actually, not with your twin flame, but with the whole twin flame journey? You feel literally completely split. You feel stuck, like you’re trapped in your own head and emotions. You know who your twin flame is. You know you want to grow old together. […]
11-11 Enrgy Update
Welcome to this special 11-11 Energy Update! 11-11 is a portal to powerful energy shifts, a day when we can truly connect with our higher selves, set intentions, and glimpse what’s possible for us and our unions. After this date, the energy doesn’t just fade away; it builds and continues to open doors for us. […]
Full Super Moon in Aries – October
The supermoon in Aries invites us to take responsibility for our own happiness. This powerful energy of the full means putting yourself first before helping others. The beauty of this is that by prioritizing yourself, you’ll actually have more to give, creating a better balance between giving and receiving. To do: Take a moment today […]
Emotions and the Rose Moon of June 21, 2024
The Energy of the Rose Moon The universe works in wonderful ways. Tomorrow, On June 21, 2024, we have a special full moon, the Rose Moon (or Strawberry Moon). This moon is extra powerful because it happens on the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. It also falls in the sign of Capricorn. […]
This Sign Means That Your Twin Flame is Nearly Here!
Welcome to the journey into love and wisdom, dear twin soul (flame). I’ll share 7 signs indicating that your twin soul is nearly here. The most important sign to watch for is number four, so stay tuned and be patient. Sign 1: Enjoying the Clues The universe will give you many hints that your twin […]
How to Manifest Within 3 DAYS
It’s possible to manifest your desires within three days! I’m still overwhelmed, but it’s true. It’s even simple, effective, and achievable. So let’s do it together, right now! I now know it’s possible within three days, and I’m not the only one. Many teachers of the Law of Assumption, like Neville Goddard, and of the Law […]
Stop Delaying the Journey towards Twin Soul Union
Our journey to union with our twin soul is often delayed by ourselves. This is because we focus too much on the current physical, material world. I’ll give you 5 reasons for the delay and practical solutions. This will help you to align with union with your twin soul. If you’re not yet together physically […]