Embrace new beginnings 💝
Today, I choose to find happiness in the present 💝 Now is the perfect moment to appreciate the things that are already in your life. Remember, your current reality is a result of the choices you’ve made in the past. It’s very important to appreciate it. Everything you’ve asked for, whether consciously or unconsciously, has […]
Transform your life through the 10-10 portal!
Today, we’re embarking on an incredible journey of self-discovery and transformation. Get ready to unlock the magic of the 10-10 portal—a cosmic event that can change your life. Imagine this moment as a cosmic door, an invitation from the universe itself, welcoming us all to join hands on a journey toward positive change. Before we […]
September 29-9, full moon shines in Aries. From Rollercoaster to Balance
Tonight, on September 29th, a special full moon shines in Aries. If you feel like you’re on an emotional rollercoaster tonight, know that you are not alone! Many twin souls believe that the moon affects our feelings and energy. During full moons like this, more students often seek our help than usual. Many people reach out […]
Key to reuniting with your twin soul
More and more people aspire to come together with that one special soul that complements ours – our twin flame. The path to reuniting with your twin flame is a journey of self-discovery and growth. Today, we share 9 valuable steps (including the key!) to nurture and let this unique connection flourish. Step 1: No […]
Birds as Messengers of Synchronicity
Seeing birds on the twin flame journey, like many other signs and symbols, can hold special significance for individuals on this spiritual path. Today I witnessed a spectacle in our new garden; more than 100 birds flew super fast through the air! And the sound they made! Birds hold a special place in my heart […]
Traumbond versus Twin Flames
Today, we’re diving into a topic that’s often surrounded by confusion and misconceptions: Traumabond versus Twin Flames. We’re going to break it down for you in simple terms, so you can better understand these concepts. But before we get started, did you know a Traumabond paves the way to a healthy twin flame relationship? TRAUMABOND […]
Expect More from Your Twin Soul, Create Your Union
Hello, dear beloved twin soul! Today, we’re continuing our journey together – I’ve been a bit absent lately. My apologies. I’ve been moving, spending time with my twin soul and the kids, and of course, I’m on my own journey too. With the 8-8 portal and the upcoming blue supermoon this week, it’s been quite […]
Embrace triggers for a deeper TF connection
If it seems that manifesting is not entirely working for you yet, there might still be things from your past or your 3D reality that are triggering you. However, remember that the twin soul journey is a path of self-discovery, and triggers play a vital role in our growth and connection. Embrace triggers on your […]
777 portal – embrace your creative power
Today, we are surrounded by the energy of the 777 gate day. 7-7-2023. When you add 2 + 2 + 3 you arrive at 7. That is why today is also called the 777 portal day.What does it mean? Each person can find their own special meaning in numbers. For me, 777 represents positivity and […]
A clear sign of a true love relationship
if your twin flame still carries a sense of responsibility towards a third party, it might be a sign that there is some inner work to be done. It’s for sure CLEAR SIGN that more self-love is needed. It is the key to a healthy and thriving twin flame relationship. In a twin flame connection, […]