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From Separation to Union 12/12

Are you sometimes completely done with your twin flame?
Or actually, not with your twin flame, but with the whole twin flame journey?
You feel literally completely split. You feel stuck, like you’re trapped in your own head and emotions.
You know who your twin flame is. You know you want to grow old together.
But for some reason, your twin flame just won’t take the leap. What do you do then?

You don’t want anyone else. Truly not!
From the moment you met your twin flame, you knew: “Ah, this is what love feels like!”
That gives you peace because you don’t have to search anymore, but at the same time, so much uncertainty.
What if you never come together? Or what if it only happens when you’re 70 or 80?
You don’t want to spend all that time alone, but you also don’t want to be with anyone else.
You want only your twin flame, and you want it now! Right?

What do you do then?
Hi, I’m Lorraine Vesterink, Twin Flame Teacher & Mindset Coach, and on 12/21, I’ll be hosting a Webinar XL for twin flames.
12/21 is a turning point, and you can join me!
You’ll also get immediate access to my recorded 12/12 Portal Webinar to Union, where we release things that no longer serve you.

That’s what December is all about: completion and closure.
You make space for what you truly want.
With the full moon energy on 12/15, the turning point, and the 12/12 energy, things can finally come to completion.
Take advantage of it, or at least make sure next year will be your year!

I know very well what it feels like to be stuck.
Like there’s no way out. I’ve been there myself.
The twin flame journey can feel almost like an illness you just want to get rid of.

But it doesn’t have to stay this way!
It can change in the blink of an eye.
Quicker than you might think.
I know this for sure, because 12/12 is actually our union date!
This year, we’re celebrating our sixth Christmas together.

My twin flame even proposed to me this year, and we’re getting married next spring.
Our life is so much better now. We’re so much happier than before.
And this isn’t just true for me, but also for our students.
Some of them are now married to their twin flames and had a beautiful ceremony, each in their own way.

You’re not alone in this journey.
I know how painful it is to feel stuck, but there’s a way to move forward.
Let me help you find that way.
Join my NEW Webinar XL, where I’ll explain everything step by step.
Click the link to sign up now and start changing your destiny today.

– Change and control your destiny now! –

Have you ever heard someone say: “You can’t manifest your twin flame?”
This is a huge misconception in the twin flame community.
And a reason why so many people get stuck.
Maybe you’ve even started to believe it.
But the truth is: that’s not how manifestation works.

We are always manifesting—everything in our life, all the time.
Whether we realize it or not. We’re always manifesting. How?
We’re constantly having thoughts and feelings, and those are affirmations with emotions that manifest.
I used to always think: “Why doesn’t he choose me?”
I didn’t understand it, and it made me sad and desperate.
But that’s exactly what I was manifesting for years!

Where does separation come from?
When people believe they can’t manifest their twin flame, they unknowingly create separation.
They place their twin flame on a pedestal, outside of themselves.
That’s separation energy.
And with separation energy, you create… separation.
But with union energy, you create your union.
It can’t be simpler than that:
With separation energy, you create separation, and with union energy, you create union.

Also, check out the only YouTube video you really need: DM follows the energy of DF!

You cannot enter union from separation energy.
It’s impossible.
What you can do instead is shift your energy and think and act from union energy.
You’ll learn this in our YEAR 2 course—the best and most beautiful course I’ve ever made.
From that moment, things begin to change. Because you are union, you’ll get union.

Think back to the moment when you first saw your twin flame.
You knew immediately: this is my person.
This is what it feels like to truly be connected.
That moment gives you peace, but it can also make you feel uncertain.
What if it doesn’t happen? What if you’re always stuck?
That uncertainty is part of the journey, but it doesn’t have to control you.

Do you recognize this and are you ready to make the shift?

Join my Webinar XL on Saturday, 12/21 at 4:00 PM Dutch time.
Here, I’ll teach you exactly how to shift your energy and create a new reality for yourself.
Click the link to join. You don’t have to stay stuck any longer!

A student (YEAR 1 + YEAR 2) casually shared her success story.
For her, union had become the most natural thing. “Oh yeah, we’ve been happily in our union for a while now!”
This happened right after Year 2 and within a year of starting.
It can happen quickly.
And it can happen for you too!

It feels completely normal to her, and it IS normal.
It doesn’t have to stay woo-woo and unreachable.
In Course YEAR 1, I teach very practically and concretely. This is how you come together, with 11 steps like self-love and trust.

Success stories like these are the reason I do this work.
I see so many people who are completely stuck.
Some have spent years on other courses where they were told to ignore their twin flame or suppress their feelings.
But by doing so, they’re ignoring themselves, and as a result, their twin flame keeps ignoring them.

When people come to us, it’s like a weight is lifted off their shoulders.
Their energy starts to flow again, and they see real changes in their lives.

Lastly, remember this: everything exists in the now.
Time is not linear, and union is possible NOW.
But it starts with you.

Click this link and join the Webinar XL.
Union is just around the corner, and it’s closer than you think!

Only love,
Lorraine Vesterink

PS: Want personal guidance?
Join our twinsoul.app and get daily support from Lorraine.
Try it now for 3 months!
Our dream team of coaches (former students now in union) is ready to help you.
Don’t keep struggling—book a healing session or a 30-minute pep talk now!

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