How I lost 11 pounds without a diet

First I would like to emphasize that you don’t need to lose weight to get into a relationship with your twin flame or a specific person. You are perfect, exactly the way you are right now as long as you are happy with yourself.

I have always been the same weight for the last thirty years, until ‘Corona’ came along. Together with my twin flame I spend more time at home with tasty drinks and bites. As you might understand I gained weight. At the end of last year my weight was 11 pounds more than my normal weight. Whatever I tried, nothing helped to get rid of the extra gained pounds, until I realized I could also manifest my desired body.

I thought: if I can manifest my twin flame back into my life, why not manifest my dream body! I already have manifested the money I desired so we could go on a trip to New York with our four children last year. If you want me to make a video about living in abundance, please let me know in the comments below, but now: How I lost 11 pounds without dieting!

I only used two sentences and I will give you the sentences and exactly how I used them.
The first affirmation I used is:

♡ Every day I am and stay at my desired weight in the fastest and healthiest way.

I used my ‘desired weight’ and not ‘my ideal weight’, because my desired weight can differ from my ideal weight. Perhaps subconsciously I have a thought that my ideal weight is much higher or lower than the weight I desire.

I have used the sentence ‘in the fastest way’ because I like fast results, I always love the fastest way possible. Because I live now and I want to enjoy my dream body as soon as possible.

I have affirmed ‘in the healthiest way’, because I didn’t want to become ill and that that would be the root of my weight loss.

The second affirmation I used:

♡ I am the type of woman who eats and drinks what a 122-pound woman does!

I repeated both sentences everyday, a few times in the morning and when I was driving.

I didn’t eat less and I didn’t exercise more than usual. Normally I walk the dog for 1 hour a day, but during this period I even walked less than usual. A few things did happen to me which could be the reason for the weight loss. You don’t need those things to lose weight. You will naturally find the things you need to lose weight if you use the right affirmations for your dream body.

  1. During this period we introduced the Brainy supplements on our Infinirgy webshop. I believe these supplements help to get more focus during the day and have a calmer brain. As a result, at the end of the day I had enough energy to read a book before going to sleep. This has resulted in a better night’s sleep. It is well known that stress and lack of sleep can prevent you from losing weight.
  2. When my twin flame asked if I would like to have second egg, chocolate or portion than I thought: Would a 122-pound woman eat or drink all this? No! So I didn’t took the extras, but it didn’t feel like dieting and I absolutely didn’t diet at all and I am a big eater.
  3. So I didn’t keep a diet, but I did keep a Mental Diet. Every time there was a contradictory thought, like I am 130 pounds, or my belly is too thick, or I am never gonna lose weight and reach my desired weight. I said no:

    ♡ Every day I am and stay at my desired weight in the fastest and healthiest way
    ♡ I am the type of woman who eats and drinks what a 122-pound woman does!

    Remember, like any diet, a mental diet takes time and effort to see results. It’s important to approach it with patience and consistency, and to be gentle with yourself as you work to change old thought patterns and habits.
  4. With soms of the Infinirgy resellers I created an Infinirgy treatment for blood circulation and reduction of cellulite. It’s a special type of massage where we use essential oils. Therefore, I researched which essential oils are most suitable for this. Every day I started applying this oil in a massage of my upper legs. That’s why I researched which essential oils are most suitable for this. Every day I started applying this oil in a massage of my upper legs. I have not yet achieved the desired result, but my upper legs are tighter and more smoother than before.

One of our twin soul coaches also lost weight. She even lost 35 pounds! She used only one affirmation:

♡ I always make healthy choices for my body.

She also has tried everything before to lose weight, but affirming was the only thing that helped her. You do need the right affirmation to reach your goal. Of course, you can experiment yourself, but if you need help, don’t hesitate to book a talk with her, she’s happy to help you reach your dream body as well!

Again, it’s not necessary to lose weight to get into a relationship with your twin soul, but it might help to feel better of yourself and your body if you did. I notice that I feel more confident and more proud, especially when my twin flame is around when I feel good about my body. I have made a meditation that can help to feel your beauty and become the sexy divine feminine. Do the meditation for one month, choose one or two affirmations, follow your mental diet and come back to this blog and let me know what happened!

Send you love and light,


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