Today, we’re delving deeper into a topic that attracted a lot of interest last week – the recent Prime and Netflix series featuring Twin Flame Universe.
In my opinion, where there’s smoke, there’s fire. I’d like to provide you with clarity and simplify things instead of making them more complicated because if you’ve just embarked on the twin soul journey, so much negativity can be quite confusing.
Shocked by the Netflix series about Twin Flames
Over the weekend, I received an abundance of emails expressing compliments about my pure way of teaching. People mentioned being happy to have me as their mentor, especially after watching the recent Netflix series. I empathize with those visible in the series, as well as those not featured, who had a negative experience. It saddens me that there’s now a shadow over the authentic concept of Twin Flames, which I call Twin Souls, because I feel more truth in the word soul than flame. Our Twin Soul School Students know how to distinguish purity from toxicity, but if you’re new to this journey, it can bring confusion to many.
I also receive messages from followers who are new to my channel, who were already wavering and are now contemplating giving up on their journey before it truly began, simply because two teachers are instructing in a ‘particular way.’ They ask themselves: Am I too romantic? Have I gone crazy? Should I give up? Or should I continue on the path I am following towards union with my twin soul, which I long for? I understand this very well because I, too, found myself on this journey at some point, and I’d be happy to share my perspective on this matter with you.
My Personal Journey
When I started my Twin Soul journey nine years ago, Twin Flame Universe was one of the limited options. It often left me and a fellow twin soul confused. Despite having some useful aspects, it seemed more focused on financial gain and grandiosity. They claimed to be descendants of Jesus and Buddha, asserting that union was impossible without them. Feeling that something was amiss, I decided to follow my own path to unite with my twin soul.
I also tried other options, but it led me further away rather than closer until I decided to take matters into my own hands. At the time, I could have used a good mentor, but for me, it was too challenging to find one. Therefore, I decided that if I would unite with my twin flame (which I did), I would help other people in the best and clearest way possible. In fact, Twin Flame Universe helped me to offer the complete opposite of what they do.
Guidance You Truly Need
I repeat it very often in all my Youtube videos. You only need YOURSELF to unite with your twin soul. You don’t need videos, healings, meditations, webinars, or anything like that, only the decision from within. But… it can be hard to figure everything out on your own, or feel lonely. Moreover, it can be nice and useful to take classes, just like sports classes or with a personal trainer. If you’re looking for a mentor, there are things to look for:
1) a good mentor encourages independent thinking,
2) guides you toward healthy relationships and personal growth, and
3) is honest and genuine without charging exorbitant fees.
Inspiration from Success Stories
Yesterday, I received a heartwarming message from a YEAR 2 student (how to stay in unconditional love) who has officially been in a relationship with her twin soul for two years now – a success story that I cherish. Your success stories inspire me, and that’s why I’m here – to help you on your journey. Module 5, YEAR 2, Deciding has helped her immensely! Every student points out a different module or meditation when the penny drops to come into union. It’s because we are all unique.
I explain everything over and over again, but in different forms, so that one day, you will understand and discover how easy it is and how normal it is to be in a relationship with your twin soul. My twin soul and I (he just calls himself my man because he doesn’t like labels, and rightfully so) are normal people; I’m a normal teacher, a Dutch woman, grounded and down-to-earth. You don’t have to be healed or spiritual to be together with your twin flame. It’s just another type of relationship.
You don’t have to be healed or spiritual to be with your twin soul. It’s just a different kind of relationship. A twin soul relationship is a connection with your mirror soul. Everyone and everything is a reflection of you, but your mirror soul reflects everything directly back to you. So, as you change, your mirror soul changes immediately with you. You are complementary and, in my opinion, the best match for each other. Therefor I created the ‘Match Made in Heaven Meditation‘. My lessons help you change from within and become aware of your thoughts and feelings, with the understanding that you are already a beautiful soul and that you are more than good enough to come together and stay together.”
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Especially if you’re at the beginning of your journey and feeling overwhelmed, know that you’re not alone and that you’re absolutely not crazy. A twin soul relationship is very normal, and you will discover that it is the easiest relationship you’ve ever had. The Netflix series may have caused confusion, but I’m here to bring clarity. Check out our Free tools page when you want to learn more about me or the way I teach. Read the first chapter of my book (which is part of the course) and discover the Free short 11-11 Meditation and the 11 Day Challenge with 88 affirmations for union, plus affirmations from our students in union energy.
Thank you for reading my sincere opinion on this subject. 40% of my followers wanted me to write about and create a video on this topic. 60% think it’s better to ignore the subject and continue as we always have: with light, love, and trust. Remember that navigating the Twin Flame Journey can be clear, free from potentially cult-like situations, and guided by pure intentions.
Let’s affirm:
🦩 I am a beacon of clarity on my Twin Flame journey.
🦩 I release confusion, embracing the straightforward and authentic path towards union.
🦩 My heart and intuition guide me with unwavering clarity.
If you have found value in this article, share the love with a thumbs up, and let’s walk this path together. See you next time! I would love to read your success story and, of course, see happy photos of you with your twin.
1. Share Your Experience:
Have you experienced confusion on your Twin Soul journey? Share your thoughts in the comments.
2. Success Stories:
Do you have a success story or a moment of clarity in your journey? Inspire others! Comment with your story and let’s celebrate each other’s victories, showing how it can be done!
3. Questions?
If you have questions or remarks about your journey or need guidance, leave them in the comments. I’ll do my best to answer them.
Here’s a short personal message for you:
With love,
Lorraine Vesterink
*Below you can read the comments that I’ve received about this topic. Free free to comment as well.
31 Responses
Lieve Lorraine,
Dankjewel voor al je steun aan ons en voor alles wat je aanbiedt en geeft!
Jammer dat het onderwerp tweelingzielen nu negatief naar buiten komt, maar dat gaat wel weer voorbij, geen aandacht meer aan schenken nu het gekaderd is denk ik dan.
Dankje voor jouw zuiverheid en ik heb heel veel aan al jouw tips en geduldige uitleg. Ik sta in mijn kracht en we geven elkaar steun en kracht in de twinsoulgroep app. Daar gaat het toch om.! Voor mijn gevoel mag het offline en link voor mensen met vragen is een goed idee. De namen worden vernoemd van Jeff en Shaleia en trekt dus een beetje deze energie aan. En je kanaal is net zo zuiver. Het is inderdaad geen geheim en de link is voor handen, dus er is uitleg beschikbaar. Het is gedeeld en de mensen die het moesten lezen hebben het ondertussen kunnen lezen.
Maar ik voel de energie aan als lager en als je moeten verdedigen of iets uitleggen. ik ben nu tot de conclusie gekomen dat ik helemaal niks hoefde uit te leggen en dat alles de hele tijd zuiver was. Nieuw inzicht!
Ik vind de energie verder ALTIJD hoog op Twinsoulschool. Ik heb enorm veel respect voor de manier hoe jij dat doet.
(student JAAR 1, 2 en 3)
Dear Lorraine,
Thank you for all your support to us and for everything you offer and give! It’s a shame that the twin flame topic is currently being portrayed negatively, but I believe it will pass. Let’s not pay attention to it now that it’s framed.
Thanks for your purity, and I find great value in all your tips and patient explanations. I feel empowered, and we provide each other with support and strength in the twinsoul group app. That’s what matters! In my opinion, taking it offline and providing a link for people with questions is a good idea. Names like Jeff and Shaleia are mentioned, bringing in that energy. Your channel is just as pure. It’s not a secret, and the link is available, so there’s information to explain. It has been shared, and those who needed to read it have likely done so by now.
However, I sense the energy as lower, like having to defend or explain something. I’ve come to the conclusion that I didn’t need to explain anything, and everything was pure all along. A new insight!
I always feel the energy is consistently high on Twinsoulschool. I have tremendous respect for how you handle it.
(Student Year 1, 2, and 3)
“I also watched that documentary about Jeff and Shaleya… Really bizarre… What they’re doing has nothing to do with twin flames 😵💫 Just people who are getting themselves reconstructed because they suddenly believe they are of the opposite sex, often with people within their community. It’s all very strange and does indeed come across as a cult 😬”
Love, F.
“Well described, and good that you raised the issue👍👍
That duality is their tactic. With the good things, they lure you in only to then execute their hidden agenda: power and control and sadism. It’s almost scary. I don’t even think they are twin souls; quite the opposite.
I’m so glad you exist!! A real twin soul recognizes another real twin soul automatically. That resonates on its own! You trust your feelings💞
So, indeed, you just continue on your path!🤗
No matter how much damage they (and other narcissists/psychopaths in general) have caused, I think there’s even a higher purpose on a soul level. The immense pain in the victims leads to even stronger growth (no pain, no growth!😉), so they stand even stronger in their power and sovereignty. Our soul leads us further anyway.
I literally feel more and more that this is a journey of my soul and not of me. Not even of my 3D twin but of my soul. Meaning our shared soul.
That gives peace. And I just let everything happen💫”
Love, N.
“Beautifully written, probably unnecessary for most in TSS, but for people who are just starting their twin soul journey, it’s nice to read because you might want to give up based on the Netflix series and get a few years of delay.
As the series presented it, I got a sick feeling about the twin flames concept. As if you believe in something wrong or bad. But I’ve come to a point where no one can convince me anymore that he’s not my twin. I’ve denied it myself for years and didn’t want to because it was too difficult.
By repeating your lessons more often, I listen to them each time in a different way. What is the real meaning of words you speak, because it’s just a word, but what does it really feel like. For me, these are the meanings of, for example, deciding, unity, or love. What does it really mean and how does it feel. I’ve really learned a lot more about this.”
Love, E.
“We just keep following our course of unconditional love for everyone 😍😍😍 Job does that superbly!
It’s really relaxing your lessons ❤️”
Love, L.
“I saw a preview of the documentary pass by. It immediately gave me an uncomfortable feeling. I’m not going to watch it either. This could be a bump in the road. But we are powerful enough to overcome this bump too. You just keep supporting us so pure and honest ❤️”
Love, A
“I haven’t seen it, but saw some people talking about it on Facebook. I mentioned above to ignore it because, in my opinion, the process gets attention in a negative way. Every twin soul/couple will find and may follow their own path (or not, that’s okay too).
Lorraine, I think it’s amazing how you do it. I follow you in my own way and take from your beautiful videos and your book what works for me. Thank you, not only for your effort but also just for who you are: a beautiful person. 😊🌹”
Love, M.
“Gosh, that doesn’t sound nice at all. I’m glad you started following your own path and now help us all so well out of love and genuinely because you believe in us and wish us well (you can also see that in everything). Thank you for that and for staying so down-to-earth. 💖🪄💪🙏!! Love, M.”
“With Lorraine, it’s really pure. I know it exists; it’s just like that! I ‘coincidentally’ came across this channel over a year ago, never concerned with anything related to other people or coaches in this regard. I felt an instant connection because I had been working alone for a very long time… And I always say coincidence doesn’t exist, I told Lorraine too. I am really grateful that I started year one and super happy that I came on this path, the modules, well, everything really, meditations… etc.
And I just did the 11/11 Challenge in the Twin Soul app, so beautiful to be able to share and experience this with fellow humans, and especially to lift and uplift each other in this journey in a pure and respectful way where necessary… As a person, I’m going through such a beautiful development and growth, pure, loving, and unconditional self/love. We go through it each in our own time and forms, how beautiful is it that a very special and special person like Lorraine can offer this in love and from her heart 💖. This energy is really palpable… Have a very nice evening. Love, J.”
“Beautiful insights, Lorraine! I also came across Jeff and Shaleia on the internet about 13 years ago. I watched some of their YouTube videos and coaching replays. At that time, it looked okay, but I couldn’t place the energy of Jeff. Something didn’t feel right to me back then, compelling, for me.
My intuition told me that I could do it without their guidance. What I find sad is all those people they make believe they are in a twin flame relationship and completely brainwash them. If you’re on the twin flame path, I do think you feel it when it’s not right. In the Twin Soul School, I have never had these feelings, on the contrary… All just the opposite 🙏🏻🩷✨️. Love, H.”
“I also followed their lessons once. I was afraid of Jeff and could hardly get away from him, but I managed. They said I would never come together if I stopped. Love, E.”
“Omg yes… one of those coaches also told me that without their program, I would never reach Harmonious Twin Flame Union. I said that it wasn’t very unconditional love as she said it. She kept pushing a lot. Luckily, I didn’t believe any of it… thought this is some kind of test or something. I kept repeating my message, and eventually, the nagging stopped 😂. It’s really a shame that there’s such a negative layer on twin flames now because of that documentary. Especially for people who are just getting to know it, who are just starting their journey, or maybe even DMs looking for information about what they’re going through. They could be triggered heavily. Love, M.”
“Still quite creepy, huh Lorraine? I’ve always followed them on Youtube, and indeed, they have become a sect. I’m also glad I found the Twinsoul School; I’m very grateful to you for that. 🥰 Love, J.”
“I watched the documentary and think this article can help people who are just starting their journey. Often we feel a bit crazy at the beginning (and sometimes even after), so imagine watching a documentary about a sect where they don’t specifically mention the twin flame concept, and the mirror exercise is not unique to that sect. Or imagine someone having enough trust in a friend or family member to tell them about their journey, and then they watch this documentary. I understand why the people who made the documentary wanted to show that TFU is a sect, but they didn’t consider the theory behind the beliefs of this sect is not exclusive to them. Love, N.”
“The longer I’m on this twin flame journey, the more I realize how much I don’t know. Everyone is so different. Maybe we all have different needs fulfilled by different teachers. When I heard you, Lorraine, I found someone I could resonate with. Your vibration was positive, loving, kind. It matched what I felt in my heart. Maybe that’s where love begins. Thank you, Lorraine. Love, M.”
“Let’s not give them extra energy. Your soul feels who you should choose as support if you decide. Have a great week everyone! 🤗❤️✨ Love, S.”
“I believe that continuing to focus on the label instead of the journey contributes to the existing toxicity around the label. Stay genuine in your approach and don’t have to focus on any extreme beliefs.”
“Gosh, that doesn’t sound nice at all. I’m glad you started following your own path and now help us all so well out of love and genuinely because you believe in us and wish us well (you can also see that in everything). Thank you for that and for staying so down-to-earth. 💖🪄💪🙏!! Love, I.”
“I followed them for over a year, had two coaches, and worked with them twice a week. In the beginning, it was okay for my healing process, but I feel more and more inspired from within not to stay with them. I felt so sad for the coaches because they got lost in these unhealthy/too strong beliefs and were very stuck. Unfortunately, I’ve even experienced something worse on my journey. At that time, I begged the universe for help and luckily found your TSS 🎊❣️💝. But yes, it’s important to offer more educational work here. I also hope so much to come into unity soon, so I can help more and be a reliable advocate for this more enjoyable approach of yours 😜🥰🙏❣️!”
“I had a similar experience with TFU; the coach was nice and helped me a lot… but I had nothing to do with J & S, and the emphasis on religion made me very uncomfortable, despite being a Christian myself. It seems more like a twin flame dating site with them. Love, S.”
“I love your approach to the twin flame journey. I have achieved results and feel completely with the technique you teach. You have helped my journey much more than others I have researched. You show how unity is possible now instead of a long journey that you can’t understand unless you buy something from their channel. Now that I use your approach and meditation, my twin flame and I communicate daily and no longer feel separated. Thank you for your teaching, thank you for your enlightenment.”
Love, D.”
I know them personally, from 2017 when I worked as a guide for twin flames. I had a Facebook group with many coaches in it. Shaleia, who at the time thought she was sent by God for her mission, told me that she was too triggered by my energy and that God told them to block me. 😂😂😂 At that moment, I realized they were strange, and it was really ‘funny’ to see them turn into a sect. It’s a shame because in the Netflix documentary, it seems like twin flames are a sect, but no, these are two people who have made a sect of themselves under the label twin flames.
“I think it’s important that people from the collective talk about this and shed more light on it.
“Hello Lorraine 👋🏼
It’s good that people ask questions, as they should, but I believe people need to know that this is also a spiritual journey, and individuals need to know when something doesn’t feel right. Platforms are created where individuals can make all kinds of claims and spread information, even if it’s untrue. Not all sources are good sources! What resonates with your spirit is something to consider. When the question is asked, intuitively it tells the person that something is wrong. Personally, I had never heard of them, looked it up briefly, but it doesn’t resonate at all.”
We should completely let go of the label twin flame – honestly – who on earth can say with 100% certainty who is part of your soul, soulmate, or any connection. If we all constantly reincarnate, we all have our unique soul paths. Twin Flames Universe is a disgrace to our soul paths; if you try to respond to those messages, they delete all negative comments. This is a journey of soul awakening, and none are the same as the other.
“Dear Lorraine,
Everyone who has started a twin flame journey knows that it’s not a myth or belief system!!
It’s as simple as that!!
Nowadays, we have many imitations of our trusted brands, but do those brands just stop branding because of their counterfeit products? No, absolutely not!
I actually haven’t watched the series because I feel immense pain in my heart when I think about it!! Maybe they went wrong somewhere in their path and mission… yes, of course, money can change everything… so…
God gives us twin flames a chance to recognize His presence in our lives and His unconditional love! But even God can’t stop anyone if they choose the wrong path! I heard that Jeff called himself God! That’s very painful to hear as a twin flame! Because of this, our community will receive a lot of hate! However, let’s all wish to help bring the light and serve each other only with good intentions!! ♥️
I would say that it’s a good test to develop our own discernment.
I agree with You and Appreciate your authentic approach to how you feel about twin souls. I have a connection with my beloved who has passed away and is in spirit. Feel this is a different way of “twin flame” connection. So as you mentioned here in this video I have found your video to listen to and it resonates with my soul 💕 Dear one … 🙏
Love K
You are a bright guide pure and authentic in sharing your knowledge about twinsouls union world wide💜🙏
“It was a long road to get out of toxicity on my journey and now I cannot be grateful enough that I found you. You are true light in the darkness and I hope more and more people will find their ways to your teachings.”
Love E.